Jim AI Studios

The Jim Token

The token backing the Jim AI Studios.

Contract – 0xD807f7e2818dB8edA0d28B5bE74866338eaEDB86

$Jim token is the cryptocurrency backing the Jim AI Studios. The studio took the ICO route where they raised funding via a presale.
The success of the $Jim token is tied to Jim Bets, every game and every partnership that the Jim AI studio forms.
Investors wanting to support the studio can buy the token here.

Things to know about the token

Token Holders
Circulating Supply
Total Token Supply
Total Tokens Burnt


Jim AI Studios is funded and supported by the $jim token!

Pre-Sale % 35
Liquidity | CEX Listing % 28
Operations % 10
Tokens Burnt % 10
Burn % 7
Advisors % 5
Team % 5


Token Burn

Burning mechanism:

– Each game burns 4200 $jim
– 27% of revenue used for buyback / burn (1.9% of 6.9)
– Bounties for burn in our group (e.g. after 100 games play x million $jim will be burned)

Jim AI Studios Advisors

We chose the most experienced crypto natives to come onboard as advisors!